Welcome to East Chicago Central High School
The mission of East Chicago Central High School, a diverse educational community, is to empower students for success in an ever-changing global society. We are committed to a culture of excellence, a highly qualified staff of life-long learners, partnerships with all members of the community, and a safe and nurturing learning environment.
Spaghetti Fundraiser
Honor Roll Week
School News
Click above to read what's going on in our district and upcoming events!
January 30, 2025
The purpose of this letter is to report on the result of our indoor air quality evaluation of the East Chicago Central High School on January 27th. Our office received a complaint regarding excessive temperatures in classrooms.
Click above to read the full report.
The School City of East Chicago (SCEC) is thrilled to announce that our school bus department has been honored as the recipient of the "School Bus Fleet of the Year" award by Drive Clean Indiana, a national organization dedicated to advancing clean and sustainable transportation, on November 20th, 2024.
Click above to read the full article.
A Statement from Superintendent Stephen D. Bournés
The School City of East Chicago is committed to ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all students. In light of recent national discussions and actions at the federal level, we want to reaffirm our dedication to fostering a respectful and supportive school community.
Click above to read the full statement.
We are seeing a rise in cold and flu cases across the School City of East Chicago. In response, we are taking extra precautions, including increased cleaning, promoting hand hygiene, and closely monitoring illness trends, to help prevent the spread. If your child is sick, please follow up with their healthcare provider. We recommend that students wear masks to reduce the risk of spreading illness. Masks are available at each school for those who need them.
Click above for more information.
We are extremely proud to announce our 4th consecutive Lilly Scholarship Award Winner Aline LaForest. Aline is such an amazing and deserving student of this scholarship. We couldn’t be more proud at East Chicago Central to share this moment with her. Aline your hard work has paid off from these last 4 years.
Click above for the full story.
I cannot believe that I have achieved my 100-day mark since I have taken the helm of the School City of East Chicago and that we have just ended the second marking period. Every month the superintendent’s office will publish News from the Nest, the first of many superintendent newsletters. This publication is another means for the school city to connect and engage with Cardinal Nation and
keep the community informed.
Click above for the full newsletter.
The Annual Performance Report (APR) is a required publication that includes academic and performance data for all Indiana school corporations
Click above to view your school's performance report.